The Quick Story

I was born and raised in Colorado where I spent days drawing, weekends skiing, and the majority of my time trying to catch up in math class. I eventually grew to be a head taller than all my classmates- so I  took up volleyball, a sport which ended up allowing me to get an education at Fort Lewis College through a spot on the FLC Women’s Volleyball team. While studying graphic design, fine art, and marketing in Durango, my passion for hard-work, execution and teamwork on the court transitioned like a light-switch into my major during the later part of my education. Today I strive to create high quality work while further developing my creative potential.

My Goal

Put me on your roster.

It has always been my goal to be able to work with a company or client that gives me the opportunity to make an impact on peoples lives.  As a graduate of Fort Lewis College I plan to move forward and achieve this through responsible, influenced design which draws stability and professionalism from a marketing background.

My Skills

  • Branding/Identity
  • Editorial Layout
  • Advertisements
  • Campaign Design
  • Posters
  • Logos
  • Illustration
  • Typography
  • Hand Lettering
  • Stationary
  • UX/UI Design














Design Philosophy

“People ignore design that ignores people.”  -Frank Chimero

Design has the ability to communicate to the viewer with absence of speech.  Not all design has this quality- it is something that develops through heavy brainstorming, concrete concepts, critique, and execution.

This visual form of communication comes with a responsibility because design is persuasion.  Persuasion to be inspired, feel a certain emotion, buy the product, invest in the company, join the group, vote for “x” and so on.  To misuse this power of persuasion is something I will never be a part of because it goes against my morals and it has the potential to have a rippling
effect on the world.

Design always evolving.  It is important to me to constantly learn about new trends and techniques in addition to considering the fundamentals of traditional design.  This inspires me to grow creatively so that I can create high quality work.

To say that,  “People ignore design that ignores people” is to say that the designer failed to communicate to the viewer.  The responsibility wasn’t recognized and the designer failed to create impactful design.  This is the designer I will never become. My goal is to create design that attracts viewers so that the design can say it all.